Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Super Junior Will Always Need ELF

"Stayed up last night, and a friend and I talked about Super Junior and we realized some stuff and felt guilty about it.
I don't know if everyone feels the same way but it was about how people are leaving.
Not because they're shifting into other fandoms, but because theyre getting busy in real life. Well, maybe some are shifting fandoms but mostly because ELF has grown up with SJ. So most of us need to deal with work, being a filial daughter/son and what we were supposed to do with our life before SJ happened to us.
But what got to us, my friend and I, is that we realized not only people left for that but because a lot of us think that Suju is okay now.
That Suju is on the top.

SJ are already WORLDSTARS.
They've accomplished it.
It's okay to leave them now because they're BIG.
It's okay to stop becoming a fangirl. An ELF. SJ doesnt need us anymore.
They have finally succeeded so it's okay to leave the fandom.

But we realized that SJ-M fan meet in Bangkok proved that we can't leave them. No matter how grown up Suju have become, no matter how successful. No matter how BIG their names are in their industry, we can't leave them.
They will always need their fans.
They will always need ELF.

I am guilty because,, yes I have thought about maybe settling down. Still being an ELF but not as active as before. But then Super Junior still needs us.
Not to get them more popular but because they know it's the love of fans they want. Not popularity.
If it's popularity they want they already have it.
Their hallyu stars for god's sakes.
But no, It's ELF's love that they keep on going.

ahhh~~ emo emo night for me and my friend but we realized so much. I know real life will never disappear and we have to do our duties.
But hey, turn around and come back sometimes in the fandom, ok?
SJ misses u too :)"

note by Violet (@violet020388)

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